Potres u Sisku i Petrinji

Adventpress 28. 12. 2020.

S epicentrom oko 51 kilometar jugoistočno od glavnog grada, Zagreba, u ponedjeljak u 6.28 sati ujutro potres jačine 5,0 po Richteru pogodio je šire područje gradova Siska i Petrinje u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji. Iza tog potresa uslijedio je još jedan, oko 7.50 sati, jačine 4,7 po Richteru, te niz manjih potresa koji se nisu osjetili na širem području. Potres se snažno osjetio u gradu Zagrebu i ostatku sjeverozapadne Hrvatske pa čak i šire. Zasad nije poznato da je bilo ljudskih žrtava, ali prisutna je veća materijalna šteta na kućanstvima i zgradama na užem području gradova Petrinje i Siska.

Kad je u pitanju vjerništvo Kršćanske adventističke crkve u crkvenom okružju Sisak i okolici, koliko zasad znamo, nitko nije stradao, a na crkvenim objektima i domaćinstvima naših vjernika došlo je do određenih materijalna oštećenja uzrokovanih s ta dva veća i više manjih potresa. Kao što to, nažalost, biva u takvim trenucima, potres je vidno uznemirio tamošnje stanovništvo, kao i stanovništvo Zagreba, koji je u ožujku pogodio potres jačine 5,5 po Richteru i napravio značajna oštećenja u samom središtu glavnoga rada. Pozivamo naše vjernike i čitatelje da se u svojim molitvama sjetimo svih ljudi pogođenih potresom, i učinimo sa svoje strane što možemo da bismo ublažili posljedice koje takvo stanje sa sobom nosi.

Neven Klačmer, Adventpress

Više slika


Earthquake in town of Sisak and Petrinja

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The 5.0 Richter Earthquake with the epicentre 30 miles from Croatian capital Zagreb struck the wider area of Sisak-Moslavina region at 6:28am Monday. It was followed by the series of tremors of which the one, 4.7 on Richter scale, hit the towns of Sisak and Petrinja at 7:50 am. The earthquake was felt as wide as Zagreb and entire north-west Croatia. At the time of writing this article there are no reports of human casualties, however there is substantial material damage reported on houses and public buildings in inner city areas of Sisak and Petrinja.

As far as the SDA church members and property are concerned we can report that while there is some damage done to our church buildings and homes, we are pleased to let you know that there are no reported casualties among our church members. As it is to be expected in natural disasters- the local population is quite disturbed and shaken by these events. The level of anxiety is even more amplified since the local population is still in the process of recovering from the more devastating 5.5 Richter earthquake that hit nearby Zagreb in March of this year. We would like to invite our churches and readers to remember in prayers all of our members who have suffered repeatedly from these disasters and help to alleviate both mental and material the consequences of this terrible situation the church and people of Croatia found themselves in.

Neven Klačmer APN, Translation: Sinisa Horvat